Thursday, April 8, 2010

About a person, like my reflection.

Yup long time since I paid any attention to this space. Last when I wrote it was 2009, now its 2010. Tooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooong gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. I know how much you guys are waiting for my post, like u wait for an Aamir movie. (Accept it na... for my happiness.... plz......)
So as the title, I would like to write about some beings who all r like me, IDIOTS. But don’t accept to don the title on them. They all enjoyed my posts here and called me proudly IDIOT. I’m one, I know, by now u all know. As I said u won’t have a life span to do all the mistakes by yourself and so learn from other’s mistakes. I learned from these IDIOTS. I know my life span is going to be reduced reasonably after I put this post out here. Still a brave me is here with my next post. (Copyrights reserved to me. Whatever I write is final and no corrections here. After all, it’s my blog)
Introducing this girl, whom I know her from my 1st Physics Lab external in engineering( I guess). She is one of my all time good friends (u see the common factor that brought us together? Yup!!! IDIOCY ). We spent nice moments of our college life together. We had same thinking and we used to laugh at things together which others used to take heavily serious. She was the usual load (As I used to call her...) on my scooter pillion seat for 3 long years. Used to see my sem results and info me. We were bench mates. In practical classes again batch mates. So totally WE WERE ALWAYS TOGETHER. On seeing each other we used to get confidence I guess, that even Idiots can live life happier than Intels. There are many such incidents that’ll win her “THE BEST IDIOT EVER AWARD” from me. “I won’t give it to you. No. Its Mine.”
People who know both of us by now might have guessed who’s that girl. I’m not supposed to tell her name here, cos that’s the condition.(Pssssss... but I can anytime add her photo. That was not mentioned in the conditions. She’s an IDIOT and proof is this!) Hmmm.....For our reference will call her.............. hmmmmmmmmm......... yup 117!! Her hostel room number was 117 I stayed in that room as a guest for 15 days. I used to be a regular visitor there. Oye!! 117 dont think too much .I went through my old diaries to get this number....
So in our initial days of friendship, I used to feel strange about this girl. She was tooooooooooooooo sincere (which I can’t even imagine.) toooooooooooooooooooo truthful (which actually irritated me and our practical session batch mate a lot.) A Cry baby..... Many say and believe I spoiled her. After getting into my friendship she changed. But trust me It was a good change and she didn’t change that much also she was the same but many didn’t notice it before. Later when they started noticing. Their shock they expressed as “Ani... you have spolied that poor girl....” I’ll be like... Excuse me!! Give me a break!!! Who changed whom???
I’ll tell what happened!! She used to sit in 1st bench and nod at each and every word the lecturers used to utter.( don’t know if it was because she understood or she was dozing off). She thought playing games (Like totha udd... chidiya udd... another IDIOT taught us this, Bollywood, Bingo, Dots, passing the message... ) Assignments are to be done not copied (Come on... I didn’t change this ,as I used to copy it from her and if she didn’t do then where will I go).Should not talk in class. Should always pass and score in internals. Should not bunk classes.
Later she started to sit in last benches, bunk classes, score single digits in internals, play, talk and sms during class hours. Trust me people I DIDNT DO ANYTHING. I’m so influential that, I can’t help it.
Incident 1:-

It was during our initial friendship days I was staying in her room, which mean I was her roommate then. It was the time when strikes in college were at peak. Our college had (It still has) 2 gates, back gate and front gate. During the Strikes both the gates were closed and student reps will guard them. Only during those times I feel like getting inside the college (I meant college not class.) because for me its adventure to go in passing the reps. That day we were walking from Hostel to college for our morning classes, we saw many students coming back. On asking them we came to know that there was a boycott of classes from the union side. Demands I don’t know. I was not an active member in all these things. They were a different world for me.
Now 117 and I were thinking should we go and check the front gate. Finally don’t know what happened I left with one of my other friend to the front gate. She didn’t come I guess. On reaching the front gate we saw it was guarded by the watchmen who had clear instructions from Principal to allow students inside and union was not supposed to stop any student entering. So, we were actually pushed in. I was happy I achieved something. Now what??? I thought we should go out and try getting in again. But the girl who drove me in was not insane like me. She was quiet sincere (I hate it) She dragged me to the class. As Canteen and other possible hide outs were closed on that day, I followed her. Cursing her. We entered the class. My only relief at that time could have been “FREE ATTENDANCE”. Which means no lecturer will teach anything. They’ll just walk in and take attendance and leave. But.. My prayers were in vain and I was put to that pain. We had all the morning 4 hours that day. I was thinking of 117 enjoying in hostel. I felt jealous of her. Finally lunch break. After that all the later classes were suspended I guess. Whatever I went back to hostel and didn’t come back for the afternoon session. I went to our room which was crowded with our batch mates. (It used to be like that as there were no seniors in this room. Full gossiping happened here. Hostel stories can be a big post here sometime later.) I entered and saw 117 hopping. She used to and still hops a lot. Don’t know why???I never cared as I can’t or never even tried to imagine her without hopping. She asked me where have u been???? I was like.. What!!! She was asking as if I had been lost. And common I was not that hoppy as her after my 4 hours back at college. I said “Eh???!!!! As if you don’t know. I and the other girl went to check the front gate na.. It was open. We went in.” Her face changed, eyes widened, dropped her head and looked up at me only lifting her eyelids and not head in a lower voice “You attended the class?” I said “ Yup!!!” Her face turned red. First I thought she supported the union and my attending class hurt her belief in me. Then her eyes turned red... I felt she’s going to eat me raw. (She’s a veggie. That was a relief.) Then it came... TEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like “?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!” She started to sob uncontrollably. Everyone in the room was like me. FULL CONFUSED!!! Some less shocked girls tried to enquire what happened. (No.. Not me... I was hell shocked!!!) Then she said while sobbing... “I couldn’t attend.” I was like “What? Attend what?” She continued... “I couldn’t attend the class...” I was “WHAT!!!!! She’s sobbing for not doing something that I did and am sobbing for doing that. EH???!!!!” I couldn’t understand this girl. “Oye... Give me a break, and explain actually why are you sobbing?????” I felt like screaming and asking this question but didn’t do it, because many girls consoling her gave me stare like the way I was a spoiled kid and I snatched the favourite toy of kid 117 and poor thing as crying because of me. I was like “Hey..... Please chill u loving mummies of 117 and please console me. Try to pinch me and tell me what’s happening is a bad dream. Else I may go into coma............” But no. All were consoling her. Some girls started talking logically and said... bunking a class is not a big thing. It should happen usually and it’s fun. One girl said she was thrown out off the class for making noise and was standing outside the class. She felt hungry and so she went to canteen to have something. While returning the lecturer who sent her out of the class caught her red handed. All were laughing. 117 also. I was not enjoying. I still demanded a valid explanation from 117. After a long “Blah Blah Blah” from all, she recovered from her sorrow (the great loss) and I from my shock. First thing that I decided that day was. Cut her friendship else, she’ll spoil me. ;)
After that we discussed this thing many times.. I asked her “Why did u cry that badly?” She said “I felt guilty of not attending.” I said “WHAT!!!” Later, I told this to all our other friends and made fun of her. She finally felt that she quiet over reacted then and laughed the incidents off.

Lots of 117 to follow, if I still be alive after this post sees day light. (Excuse me! It’ll not go for a morning walk. I meant publishing it. At times I try to be poetic. I’m terrible at that. I accept. But still I try).